California land for sale

Acres of raw land for sale (and lease) in California from Death Valley through the Eastern Sierra.

On occasion we will have Nevada property for sale. 

If you can make the monthly payment then let's talk.  We might have just what you are looking for... 


1 acre in Ridgecrest, established neighborhood with city amenities available. $8K - click here

.13 of an acre in the trees and adjacent to creek in Cedarpines Park, paved access, double lot, Crestline CA area - $10K - click here

5 acres BLM desert tract private land, one side borders public lands, great access and homesite, close to Death Valley. $10K - click here

20.66 acres patented gold site, Jennie B. Lode, private land in the Slate Range, undivided 1/2 interest in entire lot. $19K - click here

16.96 acres near Baker, CA, on county road with a portion of Tonapah and Tidewater historic railway. $29K - click here    (price drop!!)

2.54 acre commercial lot in Bieber CA, comprised of two separate legal lots, Highway 299 frontage. $36K - click here


Coming soon!


2.5 acres private land in-holding, no immediate neighbors ever in the Pearsonville area, Inyo County. $10K click here  SOLD

35.12 acres in the Inyo Mountains near Independence CA, patented private land inholding.  $115K - click here  SOLD

15.55 acres half in the Kingston Wash and half out on high ground, diverse eco-system, near I-15 with easy access. $24K - click here  SOLD

3.68 acres in California City, blow-out price combined with easy down payment and terms. $7.5K - click here  SOLD

Owner financing available on everything we sell -- no qualifying, credit checks, or banks involved. 

(email or call/text anytime for more info, land requests, to buy, or for help with selling, seven6zero-709-0293)


Trades welcome: currently interested in more farm land, remote property in Nevada, firearms, solar arrays, construction work, well drilling, and, a small farm tractor/backhoe.  Or?

"Of the millions who visit or pass through the Owens Valley each year, most are in a rush to reach the wilderness playground to the north or enter the solitude of the backcountry; there is little time to stop for stories. Many do stop at real estate offices in Lone Pine and Bishop to inquire about property for sale, perhaps with a thought to moving into the valley; It is an appealing idea: an easy four-hour drive from Los Angeles, a nearly pristine landscape, picturesque towns, breathtaking scenery, and unparalleled recreation. But most would-be residents are surprised to learn that only a fraction of valley lands are privately owned, and available property is scarce; With a countrywide population of just under 20,000, the Owens Valley is an anomaly in a state with thirty-five million people; Inyo County's 1.8 people per square mile placed against the 217.2 people per square mile in the rest of the state speaks clearly to the urban/rural dichotomy of the modern West. In 2003, one of every two people living west of the one hundredth meridian - John Wesley Powell's West - was living in California, and among those, fully two-thirds are in the state's urban centers.

     Those who yearn to escape to the Owens Valley and places like it, looking for a life, presumably, of greater simplicity and free of the burdens of city living, can be reminded that others, lured by similar ambitions, once "went West." "To be an American in to move on," writes Kathleen Norris - "as if we could outrun change."4 They will know, too, after hearing the stories of these fourteen people, about the profound sense of place environments like the Owens Valley can engender, and how the burdens of a tumultuous historical legacy are evident in the very landscape itself. In this long land of the West, we have all met, yet someone coming into its astonishing emptiness for the first time might well ask if history of any consequence has taken place there at all." (206)

Wehrey, Jane

Voices From This Long Brown Land

New York: Palgrave MacMillan

February 2, 2006