Johnnie Townsite
SOLD!! 3-15-2022
$2000 down and $43K payable over 15 years at 5.75%. Payments $357.08 per month.
1.5 acres in the Johnnie Townsite, right outside of Pahrump NV and off the 160. Plenty of room to work with, back of the property borders public lands. The shade trees may be right on the property boundary and the full water tank is definitely on the lot for sale. The land also includes a small hillside which gives great views all around. Some survey markers in place, wouldn't take much to measure off those corners. We drove into Pahrump, just a few miles away and then to Las Vegas - an hour's drive give or take a few minutes depending on traffic.
Parked across the NV-160 and looking at the 1.5 acres, center screen. Johnnie Townsite has a few residents but we only met some of the friendly dogs.
Standing on the lot, the lower portions will need minor cleaning as some junk has migrated north over the years. Street access is temporarily blocked by non-op vehicles. Could be an easy fix, or just drive around.
Looking due west past an abandoned water tank and a functional new (full) tank. Didn't poke around but figure that someone in the townsite has a well and pumps up hill so the rest of the residents can benefit from a gravity feed. BLM lands in distance, open and available for recreational use and more.
Looking east from about middle of lot over Highway 160 and further towards Mt. Stirling, a 8000+ foot peak.
New tank, old tank. Tanks are someone elses property, new owners can figure out a mutual beneficial arrangement.
Tank feeds plus southern property boundaries around this area.
BLM lands bordering the land for sale, apparently the Johnnie Townsite was named after a Native American scout who had a knack for finding good gold sites in the area.
Higher up on the property looking south over townsite.
Hillside with cacti.
Survey markers in place.
Looking north from top.
NE corner
A third abandoned water tank.
Old stump next to third tank.
Views west near top.
Couldn't locate the NW corner.
The Nye County GIS map we suspect is slightly off. The east/west lines are good but the north/south lines need to shift up slightly. Land for sale is on North Globe, between W. Water Street and W. Los Angeles Street. Since there is a lot going on in the townsite, you'll find more survey markers than usual, designating street placements as well.
1.5 acres previously made up of 16 smaller lots. They have all been combined to make one.
If you enjoy the NV desert then plenty to see and do. Elevation on property is right around 3350. Thanks for looking!