California City 3.62 acres and Cantil 2.27 acres

Cantil property is SOLD, 3-22-19 

CA City acreage is SOLD!!  

Just want to sell these parcels with an incentive thrown in for the purchase of both.  (5.89 acres total, in two lots)

3.62 acres in California City off a dirt road and close to Highway 14 and CA City Blvd.


2.27 acres in Cantil with paved road frontage and proximity to the Jawbone Canyon visitor's center.

Please see the below photos and maps, and/or email for more information.  cell: 76zero-709-0293

Either property is available separately for $7500, terms below.

Cantil acreage:

Personally, I like this property more for a variety of reasons.  Mostly it is due to the area and that's why the below map shown is a recreational map.  This property sits on a paved road and at the mouth of Jawbone Canyon.  Growing up in Los Angeles we made a few trips to Jawbone to ride dirt bikes, shoot guns, explore, and camp-out.  The area has something for everyone, if you don't like Jawbone head over to Red Rock where the focus is not on motorized recreation but desert habitat and animals.

Where this property sits there is a slight slope so the views go on for miles.  Also, the mountains are very close and filled with discovery.  On most maps everything looks flat but don't let that deceive you, everything around here carries some serious topography.

California map to put things into perspective.  Right now Cantil seems like a mixed use area with off-roading, new solar arrays, limited commercial, Honda test track, a residential community, and plenty of open space and nearby mountains to explore.

Plat map with arrow showing land.  Originally this property was probably 2.5 acres in size but when the road went in some of the land was lost to the street.  2.5 acres are 330' x 330'.

Parked on Rogers Road and the land during a January winter.  Ahead is the Highway 14 and if you look closely you can see the red roof of the Jawbone Canyon visitor's center.  Even today we'll swing by on trips to Los Angeles because they stock a full series of the 1:100,000-Scale surface management status topo maps.  And I like to collect maps, find them very useful.

There's a lot going on in this area and in the hills.  Off the top of my head I can remember exploring lost cabins, coming across creeks and wooded forests, finding opal bearing rocks, a green coppery mountain, flash floods, Pacific Crest Trail, mining history, and surreal landscapes within the Ricardo campground.  (Green Mountain below not seen from land)

Photo looking across the land.  Here it is, take it.  In the distance the pipeline is most likely the LA aqueduct which drains the Eastern Sierra and Owens Valley.  Our fresh rushing creek water ends up there too, even as I type.

Views across the street towards CA City and the other parcel included in this package.  Incidentally, I'm sure that both properties are still able to be connected via dirt routes for those that like to jump in a 4x4, sand buggy, or baja bug.

Either property available separately with $100 down payment.  Terms: $7,500 -- monthly payments $84.97 for 10 years, 6.75% interest.

***   ***   ***

Next up, 3.62 acres in CA City limits, perhaps a 15 minute drive south from Cantil.

Again, the California map to put things into perspective.  It's about 1.5 hours away from the millions of people that work, live, and breathe the metro Los Angeles air.  We left LA about 20 years ago and haven't looked back.

Scan of one of those BLM maps I mentioned that are available at the visitor's center.  Cache Creek comes close to the property but remains a safe distance. Also you might notice that although the property is a distance from the CA City itself, it remains in city limits.  That can be good or bad depending on how you look at it.  One way it is unfavorable is because property taxes are higher.  Taxes run about $180/year here.  In comparison, the Cantil lot property taxes run about $35/year. 

The green arrow is pointing right above the 3.62 acre lot.  Just look down slightly at lot #31.  At the top of the plat map Highway 14 and CA City Blvd is shown.  This intersection was very dangerous for many years and saw stop signs, stop lights, and other traffic calming techniques to no avail.  Only today is it safe with a huge overpass and engineered on-ramps and exits, one no longer needs to fear life or limb passing through.  It's prime real estate, but so far new development hasn't materialized.

One time when taking a look the neighboring lot #32 (also 3.62 acres) had new survey posts up along with a dirt road perimeter.  Here I'm standing on our property and looking past the neighbors towards the north and Tehachapi.  Views aren't bad.

Checking out the neighbors survey post which incidentally shares one of the corners with us.  Consider this property half surveyed at no extra charge.

Our old Jimmy parked on the dirt access road.  Notice the trailer with some snow that made the trip down from Mammoth.  Happened to be picking up a piano, don't ask - didn't turn out well.

This gas station is close by and one of the dirt roads leads right to it.

Again, either property available separately with $100 down payment.  Terms: $7,500 -- monthly payments $84.97 for 10 years, 6.75% interest.

Thanks for looking, have more property in the area if you are interested!  Happy Trails.